October, 2023
Oct 17
Oct 4
September, 2023
Direct links to the Sectors with maps.
Column A, Sector 3 | Column A, Sector 15. All of Column A is fixed.
Column B, Sector 1 | Column B, Sector 2 | Column B, Sector 3 | Column B Sector 6. All of Column B is fixed.
Column C, Sector 3. All of Column C, Sector 3 is fixed.
Column D, Sector 3. All Column D, Sector 3 fixed.
Column E, Sector 3 | Column E, Sector 4. All Column E is fixed.
Column H, Sector 8. All Column H, Sector 08 is fixed.
Column N, Sector 11. All Column N, sector 11 fixed.
Column O. Sector 3 Sub-Sectors A, B, C, and D are fixed. | Column O, Sector 4. Some missing planets.
Links to below Sector maps updated: January 17, 2022. The Xs are soon to be maps.
Direct links to the Sector maps:
Column AA, Sector 08 | Column AA, Sector 09 All fixed. Sector 08 map wasn’t there, it is now. Feb, 2022.
Column DD, Sector 01 | Column DD, Sector 02 All fixed.
Column EE, Sector 01 map in progress. This adds 26 new planets, No UWPs so far.
Path 02, Column FF, Sector 01 map Adds 21 more planet maps. All four Sub-Sectors added. No UWPs.
Column GG, Sector 1All sub-sectors done. 43 new stars added. No UWPs.
Column GG, Sector 02 has been added. All 4 Sub-Sectors are added with 32 new planets. No UWPs.
Column GG, Sector 3All fixed in Sector 3. There are two more sectors.
Column HH, Sector 03, 22 new planets All fixed.
Column II, Sector 3 All fixed.
Column JJ, Sector 03, 20 new planets All fixed.
The start of a map that shows the connections between the 2 galaxy arms I am mapping.
note the choke points due to no stars.
Direct links to the Sector maps:
Column A, Sector 01
Column B, Sector 01 | Column B, Sector 02 | Column B, Sector 03 | Column B, Sector 04 | Column B, Sector 06 All of Column B is fixed. One planet was missing, added.
Breloss star Cluster, level maps in Column G, Sector 6.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 | Level 7
All of Column G has been checked.
Column D, Sector 19 two sub-sectors. All done.
Column E, Sector 5 is Done.
Column F, Sector 05 | Column F, Sector 06
Column G, Sector 6 Level 1 through 7 of Sub-Sectors A through E have been checked and are fixed.
Added these Vespucian Arm, Column G, Sector 06, level 01, Sub-Sector F | Sub-Sector G | Sub-Sector H | Sub-Sector J | Sub-Sector K | Sub-Sector L today that are part of the Breloss Star Cluster.