Fondfield Links
- a typical East Gate night and day | a typical day in Fondfield
- Green Goose Inn and Stables | folks | prices | room listings
- Fliton's Jewels, Rings, appraisals and gem-cutting, Fondfield
- S1: Sage Grt Xyl ( flora and fungi) | S 2: Money Changers | S 3: Money lenders
- S 6: Tailors, 5 | S 8: Jonran's General Store | S 10: Cobblers, 2
- S 15: Potter | Zrani's Blacksmith Shop | S16: Jara's General Store
- Hx: Single family homes map | Qx: family homes, near The Questors
- Dx: 2 story Duplex family homes
Folks who live and work at the Green Goose Inn and Stables
Innkeeper: Janro human male level zero
Wife: Julia human female level zero
Cook: Frot human male level zero
Asst: Phal elf male Fighter 1Asst: Kragn dwarf male Fighter 1
Pastry: Sam halfling female
Bartender: John “Lumbering John” human male level zero
Serving Maid: Fellicia human female level zero
Serving Maid: Dorothy “Tassle” human female level zero
Bouncer: Drux Monk 5 human male
Groom: Srull ( Fighter 3 ) human, carries a dagger +1 vs. Man-sized/+2 vs. small-sized
Wife and Asst: Pato ( Fighter 4/Magic-User 5 ) female half-elf
Stable Helper: Magdalene “Blondy” human female level zero
Stable Helper: Ghalar Wranto “Raz” male hill dwarf Fighter 1 battle axe
leather armor
Tral Fighter 1, human male spear, long sword, morning starCaloq Fighter 2, human female spear, long sword, morning star
Pavor Fighter 1, human male heavy crossbow, 2 spears, foot soldier’s mace
Marg Fighter 1, human female heavy crossbow, 2 spears, foot soldier’s mace