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Riverboat, human, cleric, Seascape Keyfirth, Burlan City-State, Teslarc, PC


Human, male, Cleric 7 splint+2, shield+2
( character was given out at a convention for one shot game play)

Religion: Abbey of the Trees, Deity: Miri, tithe: 6 percent

benefits: +3 Save vs. Charm, +1 SR vs. any cleric spell

Str 18, Int 16, Wis 18, Cn 18, Dex 18, Cha 15

Monster burn oil: 6, Lantern oil: zero, age: 30, height: 73 inches, torch: 7 two hour, hair: brown, wieght: 177 pounds, Holy Water: 15, eyes: blue

HP 64

Scroll Neutralize Poison ( 7th level), Scroll Cure Serious Wounds, Scroll Divination (14th level), Wand of Magic Detection

Foot mace +2, War hammer +1, 5 war hammers

He lives in Seascape Keyfirth, capital of Burlan City-State, Teslarc.

He doesn’t know his real name, a few game years ago he woke up in an Inn with a few belongings and rent paid through the rest of the month. The only clue to his past is a small wooden boat, with a side wheel. No shipwright has so far been able to tell him what that thing on the side of the model might be. Some nights, when both of Crestar’s moons are in the sky above his location and he is near a forest, a small light can be seen inside the boat. He has not noticed the light so far.

Categories NPC, South Hemisphere

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