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house rules, 2, non-combat movement, listening, horses


Some Links

This not during combat. For combat movement.

1. movement           distance traveled
    rate         in 1 round       in 1 segment
     4"             40'              4'
     6"             60'              6'
     9"             90'              9'
    12"            120'             12'
 the rest of the scale should be obvious.

2. outdoors 1” rate = 1 mile walking for 8 game-hours a character can travel, subject to terrain, load carried, hostile forces, and the weather.

3. mapping a town, if the locals allow it, takes 1 turn per 90’. This is the same as dungeon mapping.

combat sequence

1. any surprise rolls are made.

2. if one group is surprised, the other acts.

3. If both groups are surprised, whomsoever’s surprise wears off first, acts.

4. Initiative is then rolled by each group. The group getting the highest on a d6 goes first. If both groups roll the same, reroll.

5. The first group to get initiative attacks first and then the other group does their attacks. Initiative is rerolled at the beginning of every melee round.

6. I will call your character’s name aloud when it is your turn for that character to do that character’s action.

   a. Tell me what weapon, spell, or device your character is using and
        and what monster/area you are aiming for.

   b. Unless a spell requires a to hit roll, I don’t require one.

   c. For weapon combat, roll a d20 and tell me what you rolled.

   d. I will make all of your character’s adds ( that include magic items)

   e. If I tell you that your character hit, you should automatically
      roll the damage dice for that weapon, etc. I will make any damage adds.

   f. No monster or character will fall down dead, or into unconciousness,
      until the end of the combat round. Unless the being hit takes massive
      damage or the hit is critical. e.g. 30 hit points done to character or
      monster with only 7 hp left.

   g. If a monster hits your character, I will tell you what damage your
      character has taken. No fair guessing… :-)

   h. combat grid used in this campaign:

       front         front          front
       front        Defender        front
       flank                        flank
       rear          rear/back      rear

      The second row of ‘front’ is for your character’s shield side.
      Otherwise its a flank attack. Flank attacks don’t get any shield adds.

   i. A frontal attack on your character’s shield side is vs.
      armour plus dexterity plus shield adds.

   j. A frontal attack on your character’s non-shield side OR the second
      frontal attack against your character’s shield side is vs.
      armour plus dexterity adds.

   k. A rear attack negates shield adds. If your character is surprised,
      dexterity adds are also negated.

   l. A rear attack is at +2 to hit.

   m. Prone, physically held, or stunned creatures are attacked at +4.

   n. Against a magically asleep, magically Held, paralyzed, or totally
      immobile creature, the hit is automatic.

   o. A thief attempting to backstab while in general melee is +3 to hit
      and no extra damage.

Horse purchases

In some locations a horse can be bought or rented. The rent is 5 gp for a one-way trip with a stable representative taking the horse back to the stable. Your character will be met at the same location for the return trip at a player requested time for an additional 5 gp. Don’t expect rental horses in the time of war, you are traveling further than 25 miles from the stable, or you are traveling beyond the borders of the nation where the stable is located.

A. first method of buying a horse.

An average light riding horse or pony; with saddle, saddle blanket, bit and bridle, small saddle bags, and horse shoeing labor for one game year at the stable of purchase; can be bought for one year. Cost: 75 gp I did this for those players that didn’t want to roleplay buying a horse.

B. Second, and referee assisted, method

Prices are for the animal only, a local area’s prices may differ.

size/type                 base price             base movement
donkey                      8 gp                     12”
horse, light riding        25 gp                     26”
     , light war           75 gp                     24”
     , medium war         110 gp                     18”
     , heavy war          150 gp                     15”
mule                       20 gp                     12”
pony                       20 gp                     12”

quality             price adj.     movement adj.     movement range
poor                – 50 percent   + ( 2d6 – 6)”     ( -4” to +2 “)
average             – —           + ( 2d4 – 5)”     ( -3” to +3 “)
good               + 100 percent   + ( 2d4 – 4)”     ( -2” to +4 “)
excellent          + 200 percent   + ( 2d4 – 3)”     ( -1” to +3 “)
superb             + 265 percent   + ( 2d4 – 2)”     (  0” to +4 “)

C. A third way

Draft Animals, horses, ponies, carts, chariots, and wagons
Pony chariots ? I am presuming halflings would use them. Certainly not humans.

                                       terrain                               cost
                                   ( 6 hours/day )         max load      cart/wagon
Vehicles/animal                 normal        rugged        gp wt        base      harness
Cart, small/pony                   8 miles       4 miles     3,500        75 gp       5 gp
    , small/light horse           10             5           5,500
    , small/medium horse          12             5           6,000
    , medium/pony                  6            zero         4,000       125 gp       6 gp
    , medium/light horse           8             3           6,500
    , medium/medium horse          8             5           7,500
    , medium/mule                 10             6           7,500

Chariot, small/pony 6 miles 3 miles 3,000 250 gp 30 gp , small/light horse 9 5 4,000 , small/medium horse 10 6 4,000 , medium/light horses 12 7 5,500 500 gp 55 gp , medium/medium horses 14 8 5,500 , medium/heavy horses 16 10 5,500 , large/light horses 12 7 5,500 750 gp 73 gp , large/medium horses 14 8 5,500 , large/large horses 16 10 5,500

Wagon, small/light horse 8 miles 3 7,500 110 gp 20 gp , small/medium horse 10 6 8,500 , small/heavy horse 12 9 9,000 , medium/light horses 9 4.5 9,000 210 gp 45 gp , medium/medium horses 11 7 11,500 , medium/heavy horse 13 8 10,000 , medium/heavy horses 14 9 13,500 , large/light horses 10 6 12,000 363 gp 75 gp , large/medium horses 12 8 13,500 , large/heavy horse 14 8 13,500 , large/heavy horses 16 10 15,000

‘horses’ in the above chart would mean 2 to 4 horses. I know a team of 6 or more horses/oxen could move larger loads, but this is for adventurers, not merchants.

A small chariot can carry 1 or 2 characters with a small amount of equipment. A large chariot can carry 2 characters plus a small stove and food storage. One or two horse chariots are usually drawn by heavy horses. Four horse chariots are usually drawn by draft horses. Four horse chariots look more like wagons than war chariots. Yes, I know the Hittites and others had 4 horse war chariots, but Crestar isn’t a parallel Earth. Wilderness proficiencies required for chariot, cart, and wagon use are: animal handling, animal lore, charioteering, plant lore, and land based riding. Wilderness proficiencies required for horse riding are: animal handling, animal lore, plant lore, and land based riding.

                                                                            gp wt carry
                        animal cost    move rate    saddle/etc.         normal  encumbered
draft horse              30 –  75 gp      12”          5 sp –  90 gp     4,000      8,000
horse, light riding      25 –  92 gp      26”         15 sp –   5 gp     2,500      4,000
mule                     20 –  45 gp      12”          1 sp –  10 gp     2,000      6,000
pony                     20 –  65 gp      12”          6 sp –   3 gp     2,000      3,000
war horse, heavy        150 – 548 gp      15”         70 gp – 300 gp     5,000      5,000
         , light         75 – 274 gp      24”         20 gp – 100 gp     3,000      5,000
         , medium       110 – 402 gp      18”         50 gp – 200 gp     4,000      6,500

Animal cost is determined by amount of training, which varies from average to
superb. Combat training is 100 gp extra.


listening at doors and hearing low level noises.

Tell me that your character wants to listen and roll a d20. Tell me the number that you rolled. Low numbers are best. I will tell you what your character hears. The thief ability is rolled by me. Loud noises will be heard by the adventuring group unless the group is talking, arguing, or the listeners are deafened due to combat, loud noises, etc.

Listening for a noise on the other side of a door or thin wall. The character(s) listening have to remove any head gear and place one ear on or near the door. The player then rolls a d20 as for listening for low-level noises.

number of          door         |         number of          door
listeners          width        |         listeners          width
   4                10'         |             2                5'
   3                 8'         |             1                4'
   2                 6'         |             1                3'


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