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Some Links

farm land: wheat, corn, peaches, apples,
tomatoes, onions, typical farm animals forests: large and small forested areas

water: various small streams, rivers, 2 large bays mountains: none, hills typical terrain: forests, two large bays,
mostly flat with some hills
in the north and west of the nation

Categories South Hemisphere, Teslarc


Some Links

Humans 2,050
(Most live in Emerald Firth, the seaport)

Dwarves, Hill 1,000

Elves, Gray 5,000
Elves, High 7,000
Elves, Wood 15,000

Gnomes, Surface 2,000

Half-Elves, Gray 9,000
Half-Elves, High 14,000
Half-Elves, Wood 3,000

Halflings, Hairfoot 6,700
Halflings, Stout 5,500
Halflings, Tallfellow 7,000
total 76,050

Characters available as adventurers: Dwarf 45; Elf 500; Gnome 36; Half-Elf 2,000; Halfling 1,500; Human 125.

Categories Teslarc, Burlan City-State


They look innocent enough from a distance. They are located on Fisher Isle in the Barrow Islands, Northern Hemisphere of Crestar.

People who go there to investigate them disappear.

What they don’t know is these megaliths sometimes act as Gates to other parts of Crestar. Sometimes to else-when.

Categories Barrow Islands, Fisher Island


The only ocean deep in the Northern Hemisphere. There are rumors of a sunken city on the edge of the deep, over a mile down. The light color ruins is the possible ghost city. The other one, upper left part of the deep, is claimed to be the location of a sunken city for the recent past.

Located between the continents Darshan, to the northwest, and Zor, to the north east. North is at the top of this map.

Yellow arrows, warm surface currents.

Light blue arrows, cool to cold sub-surface currents.

Light area to lower right is part of The Gray Ocean.

Categories North Hemisphere, Death Deep

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